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Hello, I'm Burke F.

@ Business Power Tools

Burke Franklin is the Creator & CEO of, best known for BizPlanBuilder® software which has sold more than 2 million copies enabling business leaders to raise more than $3 Billion to fund their companies... Burke is an entrepreneur with Marketing & Management experience of more than 40 years. He says, “It's crucial that your innovations succeed in our world. This means that your business must be profitable and sustainable – WITHOUT YOU LOSING CONTROL, YOUR MIND OR YOUR SHIRT!!” The hardest part of building and running a business is finding the time to actually build and work ON your business. There are so MANY things to do, and so many fires to put out, that you rarely have time to clearly define your vision… priorities… policies… and procedures… in context of everything going on… AND communicate it with your employees and investors. ESPECIALLY when you have to create it all from SCRATCH! This is where Business Power Tools can save your bacon. Burke was elected to the White House Conference on Small Business and nominated for Ernst & Young’s “Entrepreneur of the Year." Burke’s book, "Business Black Belt," applies lessons from 40+ years of Personal Development Workshops, Martial Arts, and Real-World Business Success.

My listings (1)

  • Product

    BizPlanBuilder® Cloud Business Plan Software

    A comprehensive template solution for creating business / strategic plans and funding proposals.

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